Medical Scribes are Good for Healthcare
- Providing benefits to doctors and patients
- Career and clinical experience opportunities
Become a Healthcare Scribe
Find the easiest path to becoming a scribe and the best opportunity for your situation!
What Does a Medical Scribe Do in an ER or Clinic?
Learn what scribes do from someone who has worked as a professional scribe in a hospital and clinic.
5 Reasons a Scribe Job is Better Than Shadowing a Doctor
Reason number one: You get paid when working as a medical scribe but not when shadowing a doctor.
Why Do Medical Assistants Make Good Medical Scribes?
Medical assistants have familiarity with healthcare making them ideal clinical scribes.
Medical Scribe Training
A variety of training programs are available from self-directed book study to company sponsored training.
- On-the-job training
- Books and manuals
- Online courses
- Community college programs
Medical Scribe Jobs
Many different roles are available ranging from entry level scribe positions to supervising and training others.
Medical Scribe Salary Information
Learn what the different scribe positions pay based upon location and company.
Transcriptionist VS Medical Scribe Jobs
Discover the differences between a healthcare scribe and a medical transcriptionist.
Medical Scribe: One of the Best Pre Med Job
Discover why clinical scribing is one of the best jobs for pre medical students.
My Story: ER Scribe to ViRtual Medical Scribe
Learn how I went from an ER scribe at a hospital to a virtual scribe working from my home.
Medical Scribes Benefit Physicians
Clinical scribes result in improved efficiency, more revenue, greater job satisfaction and improved doctor-patient relationships
Key Decisions When Hiring Scribes
Program implementation
Hiring healthcare scribes come with many challenges and decisions. This guide will help.
Greater Efficiency & More Revenue
Improved Metrics
Learn how clinical scribes lead to increases in RVUs, efficiency, revenue and job satisfaction.
Better Doctor Patient Relationship
Happier Patients
Doctors spend more time with patients and less time filling out electronic medical records.